shuubun no hi and this years first ant bite!
extract from THE most surreal conversation last week
mca-so there I was, deep in the woodland all by myself when suddenly from up ahead I heard
the sound of clashing metal against metal and shouting that froze me to the bone what was it?
mca-well I approached somewhat cautiously and up ahead I could just make out several figures
moving around in the undergrowth- as I got nearer I stopped dead in my tracks, as before me I
could see a group of.......trolls fighting with swords in a small clearing!
mca-yeah trolls, fierce looking ones too, all beards and armour and stuff
stan-no way....what did you do?
mca-well I didn’t beleive my eyes and thought I must be dreaming, then the self preservation bit
kicked in, I decided to do the usual human thing and make myself as small as possible and hope
that they will all go away and I will be safe, I found the worlds smallest bush and crouched
down behind it successfully making myself totally invisible to the mythical beasts
stan-phew I bet you were glad that worked! didn’t, the bouldering mat on my back kinda gave me away, from a distance I
must have looked liked spongebob squarepants standing behind a bush
stan-s*** dude!
mca-the fighting stopped and I heard muffled voices, then four of them approached very slowly,
I could see the headlines and I wanted to run for my I looked up, the biggest troll of
the group approached and eyed me cautiously “alright?” he said, “er yeah...sound” I replied-
well the big troll whose name I found out later to be Dennis told me that they were a society
who liked to dress up and act out their fantasy roleplay thing once a month....they didn’t want to
actually be trolls, they just felt comfortable dressing as them
it wasn’t long before we were all sitting around chatting and laughing, I have to say that the sight
of a scary troll drinking tea from a tartan flask and eating a chunky kitkat really made me
chuckle, I never did find the boulders in that woodland though
stan-so your going back to find them another time then?
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
weeman- high above the ‘jungle room’
 only six more
sleeps until my
top-nic doing what she does, the Kidney/pixies copse  left-mca topping out on one of the
funkier problems on the Red dot boulder before being attacked by a tree, weeman fending
off the attack there!   right-serious now! weeman with his Cave rock traverse, that problem
needs another visit to formalize the proceedings
left-the Jungle room looking rather splendid in the sun   right-nic on her very own version
of a mini-Sharksfin boulder, she loved this one-
well that was another great day, loads of problems and surprisingly few cuts and bruises,
the only minor thing was when mca was told that “there is an ants nest over there” by nic,
“yeah yeah yeah” came the reply just before being bitten by a really bad tempered soldier
ant- oh no we’re not going down that road again are we? I already had enough of those
bolshie bovey based insects last year-
so..with easter coming up, I suggest you wave goodbye to the indoor walls and go outside
for some real rock, sunshine and ants wth you know that you’re living!