that was a good it wasn’t
venue-fox and hounds-topic of conversation-boosting folk fm’s coverage by upping their
transmitting output-sensible until beer gets involved-”they have this cable car you see” said
funkmaster stan..”eh?” I replied-yes..north hessary transmitter certainly does-stan got this
idea about “borrowing” said cable car to travel fifty or so metres in an upward direction to in his words “hide” his new fm booster amongst the legally placed kit on the mast-I felt at
this stage to point out the proximity of north hess to princetown and remind him of the most noteable attraction there, which I beleive was very popular amongst the french tourists
during the napoleonic era-if caught by dartmoor national park rozzers, stan may end up with a government sponsored time share at the above mentioned attraction for his act of
radio based buffoonary-
merchandise was also the main topic of conversation-now being the proud owner of a
folk fm tee (not sure about the line “playing up on dartmoor” though) I agreed that they need an outlet-snoop doggy colin being an avid letterboxer had a fun idea-leave the money
at an eight figure grid ref and as if by magic, the following day....teeshirt, same grid ref-
I was aware of a certain high profile climber actually moving letterboxes to high up places
on famous guidebook routes-”er...better not” I said-
I have to say that on the way home the thought of “the avon and somerset morris diddly
diddly” men’s tupperware letterbox skillfully jammed into the main break halfway up
aerobic wall really made me chuckle-
we get frequently asked about tuning in to folk fm-tricky one that as stan seems to be on
the move all the time as most pirate radio stations are-I found them once loitering down
near radio deux but it varies-podcasts will soon be available now that stan understands
how it works and that it definately does not involve peas, stay tuned-
Friday, 1 February 2008