yes it’s ladies night and I feel alright...
oh yeah it’s ladies night oh what a night....oh what a night-ok enough of that-the other day I got
an email from one of our original bunch of usual suspects that left for new pastures two years ago
(down near plymouth way at least)...yes that would be lou then-she stumbled across the site
and contacted me-we arranged to meet up at the barn as it seemed the obvious rendezvous-
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
it wasn’t long after we arrived that we ended up
chatting with ‘panini’ brian about the new barn
delicacy that unfortunately for us had been a tad
too popular and was now off the menu-it was
during this tactical debate on nutritional buns
and stuff that lou arrived-big hugs and greetings
that went on a bit so it was agreed “lets do some
climbing!”-it all started on the slab route with the
super fine moves-we all started on this before I
noticed that nic,lou and jennifer had disappeared
nic hates that arete
lurking on top of the boulder clutching at my
camera I noticed the ladies were attacking
the arete half way along-then I noticed that
this place is full of women!-after checking that
it wasn’t a hen party or a ladies only session
(yeah..I really look female!) I carried on
with the outrageous arete by the control
booth (well thats what I call it)-this sort of
stopped when I had to help nic sort out a
twisted ankle  on a very young lady from a
school group-she was fine so I had a go at
the boulder traverse next-fun but it made my
fingers feel like lemon jelly worms-
it was good to see the place totally packed
although brian looked like he needed a lie
down in a dark room (on the subject of the
panini drought, I did happen to mention that
the rather high percentage of ladies may have something to do with it but nic said
“ pass the pork pies”)
well after about five hours
of self-abuse it was decided
that we just had to go home
so big goodbyes until next
time and the others left-nic
and I stayed on for another
barn type rocket fuel sort of
caffeine fix- (a random link-
luis is sort of reviewing coffee makers at the moment, when
I visit him we test them out
so no wonder I never sleep)
“...hey look the barn’s big lead
wall is growing across the far
doors-what? it isn’t a caffeine
induced hallucination...simon’s
builder gnomes are at it again”
here is one that isn’t a lady
bren tor on the way home...we just had to
first climb in two years- lou working the undercut arete
oyasumi nasai